Monday, March 21, 2011

World Down Syndrome Day!!!

     Kezia was born with 3 copies of the 21st of those copies attached itself to the top of the 14th Kezia translocation trisomy 21. It is no different than regular trisomy 21 just means it could be genetic, but we don't know. There is one person in every 691 born with Down syndrome. When I was pregnant with Kezia the chances of giving birth to a baby with Down syndrome was one in 1,250 for my age. More babies with Down syndrome are born to mom's under the age of 35 in fact 80%. Amazing odds that our lives would be touched my our angel!

     To celebrate World Down Syndrome Day, I took a great book about differences called, My Friend, Isabella, to Kezia's classroom and read the story to her class. It was great because we talked about the differences of all the kids, not just the one's there because of delays. Kezia goes to STRIDE Learning Center which is a developmental preschool. She is in a classroom with kids that have big delays, small delays, and no delays. The teachers are able to incorporate learning for all of these children.
     We are grateful for Kezia and her extra chromosome. She has made our lives a little sweeter. She brings smiles to tears, laughter to crying, messes to clean, happiness to all!

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